What is Your Worldview?

Here’s a quote to ponder, “People may not live what they profess, but they will always live what they believe.” The implication is that if you want to change the way a person lives, you must first change the way he/she believes. Worldview is like a filter, or set of filters, through which we see the world, and is made up of beliefs, faith, convictions, ideology, ideas, theories, doctrine, tenets, values, etc.

A worldview is a set of presuppositions or assumptions which we hold (consciously or subconsciously) about the basic makeup of our world. Worldview is what you really believe, as opposed to what you may profess to believe.

Worldview is essential for understanding any culture, because individual elements in the culture find their understanding and identity in the worldview of the entire group. Worldview examples include monism, pantheism, animism and western mindsets, to name a few.

As believers, we want to have a worldview that aligns with the worldview of Jesus – a Christian worldview. Then we will act on what we truly believe, not on what we profess to believe. Less than that could put us in the category of unbelief – when what Jesus told us is what we are to believe.

The Barna Group recently asserted that only 10% of people who profess to be born-again believers in the U.S. have a Biblical worldview. If you look at just the youth, the number falls to 1%! These are the basics that Barna measured – simple basic beliefs concerning the Bible and Jesus:

Let’s look at several other areas focusing on the life of Jesus and our worldview:

We’ll talk about Kingdom, healing, and authority elsewhere. Here, our task is to look at the typical western worldview regarding the natural and supernatural realms, as opposed to Jesus’ worldview.

Typical Western Worldview:

There are only two functional realms – the natural and the supernatural. The natural realm is “this world”, run by natural (scientific) laws and seldom affected by spirit beings. The supernatural realm is essentially “other-worldly” and contains all spirit beings – both good and evil. It is assumed that science and religion can be kept separate, as in public education. This view often becomes a belief that God made the world, established the laws by which it runs, but now sits on His throne in heaven and seldom intervenes in the events of the world except for occasional miracles. This view is based on key “enlightenment” ideas of rationalism, scientism, humanism and empiricism. God is taken out of the equation.

Jesus’ Worldview:

There are 3 realms, which co-exist:

One of the highest of the angels rebelled and led other angels to do the same. We know him as satan, lucifer, beelzebub – the slanderer/accuser of the brethren. He is real and he uses people created in God’s image to accomplish his purposes. He had plans to eliminate the generational line of Jesus. His aim is to deprive God of His rightful glory by stealing the identity of God’s people through deception, to keep as many as he can from being part of God’s family and living out their destiny. Satan’s destiny is already established.

If any of this is outside of your realm/worldview, if it makes you uncomfortable, it’s time to look at Scripture and find out what Jesus said.



Two Trees

Recorded Live at Luke 4:18 201 Worldview Training Conference

Austin, TX – May 1, 2021

Barb Bucklin and Stephen Alexander point out the differences between the Two Trees in the garden: The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They aim to help us learn how to shift our thinking to develop the mind of Christ in us.

We can learn to think supernaturally so that we will see and hear God more clearly.

The Tree of Life or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Which one do you live by? Do you think more like Jesus or more like the world?

Jesus says, “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” Gal 5:16
How do we do this? By first changing the way we think.


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Two Trees

Resource Type: PPT

Two Trees PPT discusses: What is a Worldview? Jesus’ Authority We are Ekklesia Kingdom Living