Feasts of the Lord and His Calendar

I went to a high school in Chicago where 95% of the students were Jewish. I learned there were days called “Jewish holidays” which gave my Jewish friends extra days off from school.

That was the extent of my knowledge about those days until about 20 years ago, when I learned that God has a calendar and that it is not the one we use. I thought that was interesting, and then learned that those “Jewish holidays” were dates that He had set on His calendar in the Old Testament. I learned, too, that those dates were called “Feasts” and were to be celebrated forever, and that Jesus and His followers always celebrated them.

God’s Feasts are called “moedim”, times which God has chosen to meet with His people. The word does not solely mean a festive time or a season of celebration. It is a time to remember and reflect on all of the times when God revealed Himself as mighty and strong, loving and holy. They are times which God chose for His people to come together, where He would be in their midst.

Sounds very special to me! What a surprise to learn that God wrote His plan of Redemption into His moedim, His Feast days – all of His Feasts focus on the Messiah!

The spring Feasts point to Jesus’ first coming. The first is Passover, which celebrates the exodus of Israelites from Egypt and their freedom from bondage. Next comes the Feast of Unleavened Bread – seven days dedicated to getting the leaven/sin out of the houses.

Then comes the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost/Shavuot, near the end of spring. It has meaning for both Jews and Gentiles. I was amazed to learn that the very day God gave the tablets to Moses is the day that He poured out His Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. This festival originally celebrated the first fruits of the harvest. Because Jesus was accepted as a perfect offering – the literal First Fruit – we will be accepted, too!

What we see here is that Shavuot/Pentecost was a two-fold fulfillment, the giving of the WRITTEN WORD OF GOD in the OLD COVENANT (through Abraham), and the giving of the LIVING WORD OF GOD in the NEW COVENANT (in Jesus, the Messiah). Jew and Gentile – one under Messiah. All people (Jew and Gentile) will eventually be brought to the Father under the New Covenant, which is the fulfillment of the everlasting (Abrahamic) covenant.

That is rich and revelatory!

The Fall Feasts center around Jesus’ second coming. The first is the Feast of Trumpets, or Rosh Hashanah, followed by the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people. It is a day of fasting and prayer. It was the only day that the high priest could go into the temple to make a sacrifice for his own sins and the sins of the people. Just wait until you learn about the two goats and the amazing representation of Jesus!

The last feast is Sukkot, or the feast of Tabernacles. It’s traditional for Jews to live in a tent or temporary dwelling for a week, in order to remember the Hebrews’ journey through the desert. And it reminds us that this journey on earth is also temporary, and our bodies are just temporary dwellings. It is not our permanent destination. The best is yet to come!

Hannukah and Purim are additional days of celebration, both of which celebrate the freedom of the Hebrew people from their enemies.

God’s calendar and the way He set up time leads to another adventure. You’ll see that our current calendar is quite flimsy and built on man’s thoughts and ways – even going into idolatry with the names of our days and months. You’ll also have insights into all those references to signs in the sky and the roots of both Easter and Christmas.

Should we as gentiles celebrate these Feasts of the Lord? It is not a “have to” – it’s a “get to”! You’ll find a new richness to Scripture as you uncover these very special occasions set up by the Creator of all things and held in place by Jesus.





God’s Word Written in the Sky

What is the Mazzaroth?

This word, found in Job 38:31-32, is the Hebrew word for zodiac. It is the group of 12 constellations the sun travels through each year on an elliptical path. God placed the stars in the sky on the 4th day of creation. He grouped them together in such a way that they would form pictures for all to read. Though the enemy tried to be clever and draw different pictures than what the Lord intended, the names that God gave to the stars were descriptive so as to let all generations know His intent. Researchers discovered through the years that, no matter which language you choose, the star names and their meanings did not change. They remain constant and declare the original intent of God’s heart. He wrote this open book in the sky for all generations to see. Before there was a written Word of God, there were stars writing a book in the heavenlies.

The story written on this elliptical path is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The constellations are grouped in three sets of four which tell the story of Christ’s first coming, the blessings His coming brings, and His second coming. The story begins in the constellation of Virgo and ends in Leo.

Dr. Dale Sides, in his book The Christology of the Constellations, gives us a simple explanation of the meaning of each constellation as the sun travels its circular path each year.

Virgo – The prophecy of the Promised Seed
Libra – The Redeemer’s atoning work
Scorpio – The Redeemer’s conflict
Sagittarius – The Redeemer’s triumph

Capricorn – The result of the Redeemer’s sufferings
Aquarius – He poured out on us the Holy Spirit
Pisces – The blessings on Jew and Gentile
Aries – The Risen Ram reigns over the devil

Taurus – The Messiah coming to rule
Gemini – He is coming to claim His Bride
Cancer – He is coming to give His bride the Kingdom
Leo – He will rule and reign supreme as the King of Kings

There has been a relatively small group of people studying this through the years, gaining an understanding of what God was speaking to us. It was mainly a mystery of God, hidden through the ages but now being revealed to the end-times generation by the Holy Spirit as Paul states in Eph 3:4-6. Why, you ask? God wants us to look up and read the heavenlies. There is much to learn about the stars and the messages communicated through celestial events. Blood moons, eclipses, comets, etc. aren’t just casual things that happen and they are happening frequently. God is speaking through each and every event and He wants His people to understand what He’s saying. Let’s keep pressing in to know His heart and to read His messages.





For additional information on the Stars, go to StarTruth.org