Cleansing the Land

On arrival at the property, praise the Lord and exalt His name.

Confess the sins that you know, or suspect, took place on the property. God may give you fresh revelation as you walk the land. (4 ways land can be defiled: idolatry, immorality/fornication; bloodshed, broken covenants.) Take the Lord’s Supper together. It is through the Blood of Christ that the cleansing comes. Hebrews 9: 26; Numbers 35:33 Remember the land is punished for its sin (Lev. 18:25) By the act of celebrating the Lord’s supper on the land, we appropriate by faith the shed blood of Christ on God’s land, in order to make amends for the iniquity and blemish of sins.

Thank Jesus for His presence and call for the protection of the Lord and angels.

Declare that the curse over the land is broken.

Pour out bread, wine, salt on the land as a symbol of His redemption.

Anoint the land with oil as Jacob did (Genesis 28:18,19).

Dedicate the land to the Lord and command all evil spirits to go; their hold is broken.

Ask for angels to be posted around the perimeter of the land.

Place the stakes, with scriptures written on them, in the ground. (We sometimes place a scripture stake at the 4 corners of the property.) Declare victory. Praise His Power! Psalm 24; Psalm 68:1-4.

Pray protection over yourselves – no retaliation, revenge, retribution. Plead the blood over all who participated, including families, pets, ministries, cars.

Scriptural Basis for Cleansing the Land

The land is His- Leviticus 25:23-24; Exodus 9:1,5; Psalm 24.

The land and the world are different- 1 John 5:19; John 14:30; Ephesians 2:2.

God owns the land and we are His stewards – Genesis 1:28; Deuteronomy 11:10-12; Deuteronomy 28:12; Job 12:7-8.

Jesus and stewardship scriptures – Matthew 20:1-16; Matthew 21:33-44; Matthew 25:14-30; Matthew 13.

Scriptures about the land being defiled- Genesis 3:17; Genesis 4:10; Joshua 7:20-21 and 25-26; Acts 1:18; Leviticus 19:29; Jeremiah 2:17.

Why land is defiled:

Genesis 3 – releasing a curse, “araar” – means to bind with a spell, to hem in with obstacles, to resist, and to make infertile (the removal of God’s Presence).

4 Judgments on the Land – Ezekiel 14:13-20

2 Chronicles 7:14- Healing of the land if His people will…..

Blessings of Obedience– Leviticus 26:4-19 – Ecological health, economic health, personal security, civil security, international security, honor and growth, innovation and creativity.

Scriptural examples of cleansing:

Ezekiel 36 – God addresses the land (in verse 37 – increase of the flock).

Click link to access Dan Duval’s Land Prayer on his website